Following our trip to Bruges Liz had clearly listened to my statement of '2016 will be about strong bottles beers as opposed to pints'. The box, subtly labelled 'beer' brought a huge smile to my face. Inside I found two chalices, a general Leffe chalice ... and a special Leffe Royale chalice. Surrounding these glasses I found a variety of different bottles of Leffe...oh how spoilt I am.
Who knew there was so much to Leffe? |
As you probably already know, in the UK Leffe consists of Ruby, Blonde, Brun (my favourite) and sometimes Nectar. Even if you visit a specialist beer shop I have never really seen any different variations, I suppose that is down to the fact that Leffe is mass produced and widely available therefore it is not classed as 'craft'
and not stocked in specialist stores.
Honestly, I thought that the Leffe range only consisted of the above, so imagine the look on my face when I discovered a variety of very strong Belgian beers!
So let us begin, I started with the festive offering (yes I know it is February but I made sure I tried this over the Christmas period). The Leffe Noel (6.6%) was a ruby to brown colour when poured, it really did look the part in the chalice. On first taste I had a strong hit of caramel, it is almost a sweeter version of the Brun. As far as being 'festive' goes I have to say I do prefer the Delirium Noel. However the Leffe Noel does still have a great flavour which is not overpowered by the strength of it. I would certainly buy this again as a treat away from the Brun! Better than a lot of Xmas beers on offer, but the best can be found here!
What do I try next? |
Now to two of the Leffe beers available in most supermarkets.
Surely the Blonde is the most famous beer from the Leffe Brewery. Many years ago when I was a typical Carling drinker I remember buying Leffe for the first time, embarrass to admit this but the first time I bought it was to take to a German Christmas Market themed house party...I was shamed when I realised it was Belgian not German! The blonde is a very easy drinking beer, with quite the floral smell and taste. After drinking the Royale I do not think I will ever be able to enjoy this as much as I once did :-(
Leffe Brun! My 'go to' Belgian beer of choice when I want to enjoy a dark strong beer on a budget (2x 750ml bottles for £5 in Morrisons at times). I generally pick this beer if I am in the mood for a dark beer, but not quite in the mood for a Riggwelter or bottle of Old Peculier. For a dark beer the Brun has quite a lot of fruit notes alongside the caramel/coffee flavours. What else can I say, I love the Brun.
After writing this blog I can still see two familiar bottles, the Nectar and the Ruby, they are hidden behind a couple of other 'special' Leffe' a few weeks once I have savoured these beers I will share what is in the bar, and whether they are worth paying a premium to purchase them online from Belgium.
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